How about having a friend to assist you with your dissertation?
What if you have someone to guide you at every step of your dissertation, starting from choosing the topic till you clear the defence. Your mentor will walk the path of your dissertation journey with you, and provide you with his scholarly help as a friend. You need someone to lend a helping hand while you go through the pressure of completing your dissertation. We are here to provide you PhD dissertation coaching services in Boston which helps you to get an error free document.
Face it that you need it!
Your coach will dawn upon the reality and help you with the scope of your topic.
You will be assisted with the writing process to make progress in your dissertation.
Your mentor friend will help you to deal with procrastination, writer’s block, and lack of ideas.
Your mistakes will be reviewed, and you will be given appropriate suggestions to improvise.
You will be prepared for your defence.

How Does Dissertation Coaching Work?
Send us your query with a brief about what you expect from the coach.
We will get back to you with the details about the coach and the price, as per your needs.