
Significance of a Study for Audiences in a Dissertation or Journal Article


In dissertation, writers often include a specific section describing the significance of the study for a select audience in order to convey the importance of the problem for different groups that may profit from reading and using the study. 

By including this section, the writers create a clear rationale for the importance of the study. The more audience that can be mentioned the greater importance of the study and the more it will be seen by readers to have wide application. In designing this section one might include the following: 

1.Three or four reasons that the study adds to the scholarly research and literature in the field 
 2.Three or four reasons about how the study helps improve practice
3.Three or four reasons as to why the study will improve policy or decision making 

In the example to follow the author states the significance of the study in the opening paragraphs of a journal article. 

This study by Mascaren has (1989) examined ownership of the industrial firms identified explicitly by decision makers, organizational members and researchers as the audience for the study.

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